Lead Together - The EMU Brand

Brand Basics
The information below is the technical and intellectual background for the brand. It is NOT intended to be used verbatim statements about "Lead Together" or who EMU seeks to be. Our mission, vision, values, key verse, identity statement and life together statement are our stated goals and values. To review these you can download the EMU Statements document on the left.
BRAND POSITION (How EMU is unique)
EMU activates the teachings of Jesus by recognizing, respecting, and understanding diverse viewpoints. This is especially important in an increasingly polarized world. Our students come to us with curious minds to challenge and compassionate hearts to nurture. At EMU, they find an empowering community guided by our faith, values, and personalized mentoring. Students encounter a life-changing experience filled with cross-cultural engagement and high-impact experiential learning. Our sought-after graduates emerge as real-world problem solvers and bridge-building leaders in their careers and communities.
BRAND PURPOSE (Why EMU is unique)
Our purpose is to live out the values of our faith to inspire and prepare the next generation of bridge-building leaders.
BRAND EXPRESSION (How we talk about our uniqueness)
Our voice reflects our spirit of reconciliation – it is open-minded and open-hearted. We honor diversity of thought as we live out the values of our faith. We are joyful, welcoming and optimistic – we encourage and celebrate our community and the achievements of its members, in school and in the world. And we invite others to join us.
Brand Storylines - How do I talk about EMU?
EMU has a story to tell about who we are and how we care for our students. Lead Together is more than just two words. It is undergirded by our experiences, life together, faith and goals as an institution. The following can help you as faculty and staff understand the three main storylines we have identified that help to tell the EMU story. There are also some prompts to help you think about how your experiences, faith and values fit into these storylines.
Unique academic experience
Active faith
Spirit of reconciliation
Putting it all together - Our brand promise

One way we have put all the storylines together is with the brand promise.
At EMU, we believe in and celebrate the power of community as we learn in classrooms, across campus and around the globe. We begin to see the possibilities together. We honor our differences and care for each other. We listen, explore and create. Together, our ideas are transformed, our assumptions tested, our values strengthened, our faith activated and our lives enriched. At EMU, leaders are developed, mentored, supported and challenged to make the world a better place TOGETHER.
The primary EMU tagline is “Lead Together” and incorporates the above elements in messaging and storytelling. The standard combination for general use should always be “Lead Together” however, the tagline is also modular and the “Together” can be combined with other words to tell the EMU story. The first word should always be a present-tense verb.
Some suggestions:
- Learn Together
- Create Together
- Compete Together
- Achieve Together
- Pray Together
- Explore Together
- Serve Together
- Grow Together
- Transform Together